
PSNZ 2021 Abstract Submission

The PSNZ 2021 committee would like to invite you to submit an abstract for oral and/or poster presentation at the PSNZ Annual Scientific Meeting on 23rd – 24th November 2021. We welcome submissions on clinical and preclinical studies from midwives, sonographers, nurses, students and doctors, from all levels of training. A ‘work in progress’ is welcome as are final study outcomes. 

Please indicate your preference on oral and/or poster presentation during abstract submission and whether you would like to be considered for the New Investigator Award. The eligibility criteria for the New Investigator Award as well as Travel Scholarships can be found on the PSNZ website.

If your abstract is accepted for oral presentation, you will be invited to give a 10-minute talk (+ 5 minutes for Q&A). Poster presenters are requested to be present during dedicated poster sessions.  

Please read the following instructions carefully when preparing your abstract for consideration:

1. Your abstract must fit within a single standard A4 page (margins: 2.54cm), single-line spaced, using ‘Arial’ font. The main text should be justified.

2. Title should be in capital letters followed by a list of authors, their affiliations, and email address of the corresponding author. Please underline the name of the presenting author. 

3. If you are presenting original research, please use the following abstract headings: Background, Aims, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. 

4. Please click HERE to submit your abstract by 30 September 2021.


Example abstract: 


Berry MJ1, Saito-Benz M2, Dyson R3, Dellabarca P2, Gray C4, Elder D1, Richardson V2.
1.   Department of Paediatrics & Child Health, University of Otago, Wellington.
2.   Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Wellington Regional Hospital, Wellington
3.   Graduate School of Medicine, University of Wollongong, Australia
4.  Liggins Institute, University of Auckland
Email: max.berry@otago.ac.nz

Background: Improvement in perinatal care……
Aims: To characterise…...
Methods: Maternal and neonatal medical records of…….
Results: One hundred infants were eligible…..
Conclusions: These data demonstrate……